U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 22, 2024
§ 78o.
Registration and regulation of brokers and dealers
Registration of all persons utilizing exchange facilities to effect transactions; exemptions
It shall be unlawful for any broker or dealer which is either a person other than a natural person or a natural person not associated with a broker or dealer which is a person other than a natural person (other than such a broker or dealer whose business is exclusively intrastate and who does not make use of any facility of a national securities exchange) to make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transactions in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security (other than an exempted security or commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, or commercial bills) unless such broker or dealer is registered in accordance with subsection (b) of this section.
The Commission, by rule or order, as it deems consistent with the public interest and the protection of investors, may conditionally or unconditionally exempt from paragraph (1) of this subsection any broker or dealer or class of brokers or dealers specified in such rule or order.
Manner of registration of brokers and dealers
A broker or dealer may be registered by filing with the Commission an application for registration in such form and containing such information and documents concerning such broker or dealer and any persons associated with such broker or dealer as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors. Within forty-five days of the date of the filing of such application (or within such longer period as to which the applicant consents), the Commission shall—
by order grant registration, or
institute proceedings to determine whether registration should be denied. Such proceedings shall include notice of the grounds for denial under consideration and opportunity for hearing and shall be concluded within one hundred twenty days of the date of the filing of the application for registration. At the conclusion of such proceedings, the Commission, by order, shall grant or deny such registration. The Commission may extend the time for conclusion of such proceedings for up to ninety days if it finds good cause for such extension and publishes its reasons for so finding or for such longer period as to which the applicant consents.
The Commission shall grant such registration if the Commission finds that the requirements of this section are satisfied. The order granting registration shall not be effective until such broker or dealer has become a member of a registered securities association, or until such broker or dealer has become a member of a national securities exchange, if such broker or dealer effects transactions solely on that exchange, unless the Commission has exempted such broker or dealer, by rule or order, from such membership. The Commission shall deny such registration if it does not make such a finding or if it finds that if the applicant were so registered, its registration would be subject to suspension or revocation under paragraph (4) of this subsection.
An application for registration of a broker or dealer to be formed or organized may be made by a broker or dealer to which the broker or dealer to be formed or organized is to be the successor. Such application, in such form as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe, shall contain such information and documents concerning the applicant, the successor, and any persons associated with the applicant or the successor, as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors. The grant or denial of registration to such an applicant shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph (1) of this subsection. If the Commission grants such registration, the registration shall terminate on the forty-fifth day after the effective date thereof, unless prior thereto the successor shall, in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Commission may prescribe, adopt the application for registration as its own.
Any person who is a broker or dealer solely by reason of acting as a municipal securities dealer or municipal securities broker, who so acts through a separately identifiable department or division, and who so acted in such a manner on June 4, 1975, may, in accordance with such terms and conditions as the Commission, by rule, prescribes as necessary and appropriate in the public interest and for the protection of investors, register such separately identifiable department or division in accordance with this subsection. If any such department or division is so registered, the department or division and not such person himself shall be the broker or dealer for purposes of this chapter.
Within six months of the date of the granting of registration to a broker or dealer, the Commission, or upon the authorization and direction of the Commission, a registered securities association or national securities exchange of which such broker or dealer is a member, shall conduct an inspection of the broker or dealer to determine whether it is operating in conformity with the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations thereunder: Provided, however, That the Commission may delay such inspection of any class of brokers or dealers for a period not to exceed six months.
Any provision of this chapter (other than section 78e of this title and subsection (a) of this section) which prohibits any act, practice, or course of business if the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce is used in connection therewith shall also prohibit any such act, practice, or course of business by any registered broker or dealer or any person acting on behalf of such a broker or dealer, irrespective of any use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce in connection therewith.
The Commission, by order, shall censure, place limitations on the activities, functions, or operations of, suspend for a period not exceeding twelve months, or revoke the registration of any broker or dealer if it finds, on the record after notice and opportunity for hearing, that such censure, placing of limitations, suspension, or revocation is in the public interest and that such broker or dealer, whether prior or subsequent to becoming such, or any person associated with such broker or dealer, whether prior or subsequent to becoming so associated—
has willfully made or caused to be made in any application for registration or report required to be filed with the Commission or with any other appropriate regulatory agency under this chapter, or in any proceeding before the Commission with respect to registration, any statement which was at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it was made false or misleading with respect to any material fact, or has omitted to state in any such application or report any material fact which is required to be stated therein.
has been convicted within ten years preceding the filing of any application for registration or at any time thereafter of any felony or misdemeanor or of a substantially equivalent crime by a foreign court of competent jurisdiction which the Commission finds—
involves the purchase or sale of any security, the taking of a false oath, the making of a false report, bribery, perjury, burglary, any substantially equivalent activity however denominated by the laws of the relevant foreign government, or conspiracy to commit any such offense;
arises out of the conduct of the business of a broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer municipal advisor,,1
 So in original.
government securities broker, government securities dealer, investment adviser, bank, insurance company, fiduciary, transfer agent, nationally recognized statistical rating organization, foreign person performing a function substantially equivalent to any of the above, or entity or person required to be registered under the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.) or any substantially equivalent foreign statute or regulation;
involves the larceny, theft, robbery, extortion, forgery, counterfeiting, fraudulent concealment, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of funds, or securities, or substantially equivalent activity however denominated by the laws of the relevant foreign government; or
involves the violation of section 152, 1341, 1342, or 1343 or chapter 25 or 47 of title 18 or a violation of a substantially equivalent foreign statute.
is permanently or temporarily enjoined by order, judgment, or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction from acting as an investment adviser, underwriter, broker, dealer, municipal securities dealer municipal advisor,,1 government securities broker, government securities dealer, security-based swap dealer, major security-based swap participant, transfer agent, nationally recognized statistical rating organization, foreign person performing a function substantially equivalent to any of the above, or entity or person required to be registered under the Commodity Exchange Act or any substantially equivalent foreign statute or regulation, or as an affiliated person or employee of any investment company, bank, insurance company, foreign entity substantially equivalent to any of the above, or entity or person required to be registered under the Commodity Exchange Act or any substantially equivalent foreign statute or regulation, or from engaging in or continuing any conduct or practice in connection with any such activity, or in connection with the purchase or sale of any security.
has willfully violated any provision of the Securities Act of 1933 [15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.], the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80b–1 et seq.], the Investment Company Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80a–1 et seq.], the Commodity Exchange Act, this chapter, the rules or regulations under any of such statutes, or the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, or is unable to comply with any such provision.
has willfully aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, or procured the violation by any other person of any provision of the Securities Act of 1933, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Commodity Exchange Act, this chapter, the rules or regulations under any of such statutes, or the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, or has failed reasonably to supervise, with a view to preventing violations of the provisions of such statutes, rules, and regulations, another person who commits such a violation, if such other person is subject to his supervision. For the purposes of this subparagraph (E) no person shall be deemed to have failed reasonably to supervise any other person, if—
there have been established procedures, and a system for applying such procedures, which would reasonably be expected to prevent and detect, insofar as practicable, any such violation by such other person, and
such person has reasonably discharged the duties and obligations incumbent upon him by reason of such procedures and system without reasonable cause to believe that such procedures and system were not being complied with.
is subject to any order of the Commission barring or suspending the right of the person to be associated with a broker, dealer, security-based swap dealer, or a major security-based swap participant;
has been found by a foreign financial regulatory authority to have—
made or caused to be made in any application for registration or report required to be filed with a foreign financial regulatory authority, or in any proceeding before a foreign financial regulatory authority with respect to registration, any statement that was at the time and in the light of the circumstances under which it was made false or misleading with respect to any material fact, or has omitted to state in any application or report to the foreign financial regulatory authority any material fact that is required to be stated therein;
violated any foreign statute or regulation regarding transactions in securities, or contracts of sale of a commodity for future delivery, traded on or subject to the rules of a contract market or any board of trade;
aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced, or procured the violation by any person of any provision of any statutory provisions enacted by a foreign government, or rules or regulations thereunder, empowering a foreign financial regulatory authority regarding transactions in securities, or contracts of sale of a commodity for future delivery, traded on or subject to the rules of a contract market or any board of trade, or has been found, by a foreign financial regulatory authority, to have failed reasonably to supervise, with a view to preventing violations of such statutory provisions, rules, and regulations, another person who commits such a violation, if such other person is subject to his supervision; or
is subject to any final order of a State securities commission (or any agency or officer performing like functions), State authority that supervises or examines banks, savings associations, or credit unions, State insurance commission (or any agency or office performing like functions), an appropriate Federal banking agency (as defined in section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(q))), or the National Credit Union Administration, that—
bars such person from association with an entity regulated by such commission, authority, agency, or officer, or from engaging in the business of securities, insurance, banking, savings association activities, or credit union activities; or
constitutes a final order based on violations of any laws or regulations that prohibit fraudulent, manipulative, or deceptive conduct.
Pending final determination whether any registration under this subsection shall be revoked, the Commission, by order, may suspend such registration, if such suspension appears to the Commission, after notice and opportunity for hearing, to be necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors. Any registered broker or dealer may, upon such terms and conditions as the Commission deems necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors, withdraw from registration by filing a written notice of withdrawal with the Commission. If the Commission finds that any registered broker or dealer is no longer in existence or has ceased to do business as a broker or dealer, the Commission, by order, shall cancel the registration of such broker or dealer.
With respect to any person who is associated, who is seeking to become associated, or, at the time of the alleged misconduct, who was associated or was seeking to become associated with a broker or dealer, or any person participating, or, at the time of the alleged misconduct, who was participating, in an offering of any penny stock, the Commission, by order, shall censure, place limitations on the activities or functions of such person, or suspend for a period not exceeding 12 months, or bar any such person from being associated with a broker, dealer, investment adviser, municipal securities dealer, municipal advisor, transfer agent, or nationally recognized statistical rating organization, or from participating in an offering of penny stock, if the Commission finds, on the record after notice and opportunity for a hearing, that such censure, placing of limitations, suspension, or bar is in the public interest and that such person—
has committed or omitted any act, or is subject to an order or finding, enumerated in subparagraph (A), (D), (E), (H), or (G) of paragraph (4) of this subsection;
has been convicted of any offense specified in subparagraph (B) of such paragraph (4) within 10 years of the commencement of the proceedings under this paragraph; or
is enjoined from any action, conduct, or practice specified in subparagraph (C) of such paragraph (4).
It shall be unlawful—
for any person as to whom an order under subparagraph (A) is in effect, without the consent of the Commission, willfully to become, or to be, associated with a broker or dealer in contravention of such order, or to participate in an offering of penny stock in contravention of such order;
for any broker or dealer to permit such a person, without the consent of the Commission, to become or remain, a person associated with the broker or dealer in contravention of such order, if such broker or dealer knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known, of such order; or
for any broker or dealer to permit such a person, without the consent of the Commission, to participate in an offering of penny stock in contravention of such order, if such broker or dealer knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known, of such order and of such participation.
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “person participating in an offering of penny stock” includes any person acting as any promoter, finder, consultant, agent, or other person who engages in activities with a broker, dealer, or issuer for purposes of the issuance or trading in any penny stock, or inducing or attempting to induce the purchase or sale of any penny stock. The Commission may, by rule or regulation, define such term to include other activities, and may, by rule, regulation, or order, exempt any person or class of persons, in whole or in part, conditionally or unconditionally, from such term.
No registered broker or dealer or government securities broker or government securities dealer registered (or required to register) under section 78o–5(a)(1)(A) of this title shall effect any transaction in, or induce the purchase or sale of, any security unless such broker or dealer meets such standards of operational capability and such broker or dealer and all natural persons associated with such broker or dealer meet such standards of training, experience, competence, and such other qualifications as the Commission finds necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors. The Commission shall establish such standards by rules and regulations, which may—
specify that all or any portion of such standards shall be applicable to any class of brokers and dealers and persons associated with brokers and dealers;
require persons in any such class to pass tests prescribed in accordance with such rules and regulations, which tests shall, with respect to any class of partners, officers, or supervisory employees (which latter term may be defined by the Commission’s rules and regulations and as so defined shall include branch managers of brokers or dealers) engaged in the management of the broker or dealer, include questions relating to bookkeeping, accounting, internal control over cash and securities, supervision of employees, maintenance of records, and other appropriate matters; and
provide that persons in any such class other than brokers and dealers and partners, officers, and supervisory employees of brokers or dealers, may be qualified solely on the basis of compliance with such standards of training and such other qualifications as the Commission finds appropriate.
The Commission, by rule, may prescribe reasonable fees and charges to defray its costs in carrying out this paragraph, including, but not limited to, fees for any test administered by it or under its direction. The Commission may cooperate with registered securities associations and national securities exchanges in devising and administering tests and may require registered brokers and dealers and persons associated with such brokers and dealers to pass tests administered by or on behalf of any such association or exchange and to pay such association or exchange reasonable fees or charges to defray the costs incurred by such association or exchange in administering such tests.
It shall be unlawful for any registered broker or dealer to effect any transaction in, or induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security (other than or 2
 So in original. The word “or” probably should not appear.
commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, or commercial bills), unless such broker or dealer is a member of a securities association registered pursuant to section 78o–3 of this title or effects transactions in securities solely on a national securities exchange of which it is a member.
The Commission by rule or order, as it deems consistent with the public interest and the protection of investors, may conditionally or unconditionally exempt from paragraph (8) of this subsection any broker or dealer or class of brokers or dealers specified in such rule or order.
For the purposes of determining whether a person is subject to a statutory disqualification under section 78f(c)(2), 78o–3(g)(2), or 78q–1(b)(4)(A) of this title, the term “Commission” in paragraph (4)(B) of this subsection shall mean “exchange”, “association”, or “clearing agency”, respectively.
Broker/dealer registration with respect to transactions in security futures products.—
Notice registration.—
Contents of notice.—
Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), a broker or dealer required to register only because it effects transactions in security futures products on an exchange registered pursuant to section 78f(g) of this title may register for purposes of this section by filing with the Commission a written notice in such form and containing such information concerning such broker or dealer and any persons associated with such broker or dealer as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors. A broker or dealer may not register under this paragraph unless that broker or dealer is a member of a national securities association registered under section 78o–3(k) of this title.
Immediate effectiveness.—
Such registration shall be effective contemporaneously with the submission of notice, in written or electronic form, to the Commission, except that such registration shall not be effective if the registration would be subject to suspension or revocation under paragraph (4).
Such registration shall be suspended immediately if a national securities association registered pursuant to section 78o–3(k) of this title suspends the membership of that broker or dealer.
Such registration shall be terminated immediately if any of the above stated conditions for registration set forth in this paragraph are no longer satisfied.
Exemptions for registered brokers and dealers.—
A broker or dealer registered pursuant to the requirements of subparagraph (A) shall be exempt from the following provisions of this chapter and the rules thereunder with respect to transactions in security futures products:
Subsections (c)(3) and (c)(5) of this section.
Section 78o–4 of this title.
Section 78o–5 of this title.
Subsections (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) 3
 See References in Text note below.
of section 78q of this title.
Exemption for security futures product exchange members.—
Registration exemption.—
A natural person shall be exempt from the registration requirements of this section if such person—
is a member of a designated contract market registered with the Commission as an exchange pursuant to section 78f(g) of this title;
effects transactions only in securities on the exchange of which such person is a member; and
does not directly accept or solicit orders from public customers or provide advice to public customers in connection with the trading of security futures products.
Other exemptions.—
A natural person exempt from registration pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall also be exempt from the following provisions of this chapter and the rules thereunder:
Subsections (c)(3), (c)(5), and (e) of this section.
Section 78o–4 of this title.
Section 78o–5 of this title.
Subsections (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) 3 of section 78q of this title.
Registration exemption for merger and acquisition brokers.—
In general.—
Except as provided in subparagraph (B), an M&A broker shall be exempt from registration under this section.
Excluded activities.—
An M&A broker is not exempt from registration under this paragraph if such broker does any of the following:
Directly or indirectly, in connection with the transfer of ownership of an eligible privately held company, receives, holds, transmits, or has custody of the funds or securities to be exchanged by the parties to the transaction.
Engages on behalf of an issuer in a public offering of any class of securities that is registered, or is required to be registered, with the Commission under section 78l of this title or with respect to which the issuer files, or is required to file, periodic information, documents, and reports under subsection (d).
Engages on behalf of any party in a transaction involving a shell company, other than a business combination related shell company.
Directly, or indirectly through any of its affiliates, provides financing related to the transfer of ownership of an eligible privately held company.
Assists any party to obtain financing from an unaffiliated third party without—
complying with all other applicable laws in connection with such assistance, including, if applicable, Regulation T (12 C.F.R. 220 et seq.); and
disclosing any compensation in writing to the party.
Represents both the buyer and the seller in the same transaction without providing clear written disclosure as to the parties the broker represents and obtaining written consent from both parties to the joint representation.
Facilitates a transaction with a group of buyers formed with the assistance of the M&A broker to acquire the eligible privately held company.
Engages in a transaction involving the transfer of ownership of an eligible privately held company to a passive buyer or group of passive buyers.
Binds a party to a transfer of ownership of an eligible privately held company.
An M&A broker is not exempt from registration under this paragraph if such broker (and if and as applicable, including any officer, director, member, manager, partner, or employee of such broker)—
has been barred from association with a broker or dealer by the Commission, any State, or any self-regulatory organization; or
is suspended from association with a broker or dealer.
Rule of construction.—
Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit any other authority of the Commission to exempt any person, or any class of persons, from any provision of this chapter, or from any provision of any rule or regulation thereunder.
In this paragraph:
Business combination related shell company.—
The term “business combination related shell company” means a shell company that is formed by an entity that is not a shell company—
solely for the purpose of changing the corporate domicile of that entity solely within the United States; or
solely for the purpose of completing a business combination transaction (as defined under section 230.165(f) of title 17, Code of Federal Regulations) among one or more entities other than the company itself, none of which is a shell company.
The term “control” means the power, directly or indirectly, to direct the management or policies of a company, whether through ownership of securities, by contract, or otherwise. There is a presumption of control if, upon completion of a transaction, the buyer or group of buyers—
has the right to vote 25 percent or more of a class of voting securities or the power to sell or direct the sale of 25 percent or more of a class of voting securities; or
in the case of a partnership or limited liability company, has the right to receive upon dissolution, or has contributed, 25 percent or more of the capital.
Eligible privately held company.—
The term “eligible privately held company” means a privately held company that meets both of the following conditions:
The company does not have any class of securities registered, or required to be registered, with the Commission under section 78l of this title or with respect to which the company files, or is required to file, periodic information, documents, and reports under subsection (d).
In the fiscal year ending immediately before the fiscal year in which the services of the M&A broker are initially engaged with respect to the securities transaction, the company meets either or both of the following conditions (determined in accordance with the historical financial accounting records of the company):
The earnings of the company before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization are less than $25,000,000.
The gross revenues of the company are less than $250,000,000.
 For purposes of this subclause, the Commission may by rule modify the dollar figures if the Commission determines that such a modification is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors.
M&A broker.—
The term “M&A broker” means a broker, and any person associated with a broker, engaged in the business of effecting securities transactions solely in connection with the transfer of ownership of an eligible privately held company, regardless of whether the broker acts on behalf of a seller or buyer, through the purchase, sale, exchange, issuance, repurchase, or redemption of, or a business combination involving, securities or assets of the eligible privately held company, if the broker reasonably believes that—
upon consummation of the transaction, any person acquiring securities or assets of the eligible privately held company, acting alone or in concert—
will control the eligible privately held company or the business conducted with the assets of the eligible privately held company; and
directly or indirectly, will be active in the management of the eligible privately held company or the business conducted with the assets of the eligible privately held company, including without limitation, for example, by—
electing executive officers;
approving the annual budget;
serving as an executive or other executive manager; or
carrying out such other activities as the Commission may, by rule, determine to be in the public interest; and
if any person is offered securities in exchange for securities or assets of the eligible privately held company, such person will, prior to becoming legally bound to consummate the transaction, receive or have reasonable access to the most recent fiscal year-end financial statements of the issuer of the securities as customarily prepared by the management of the issuer in the normal course of operations and, if the financial statements of the issuer are audited, reviewed, or compiled, any related statement by the independent accountant, a balance sheet dated not more than 120 days before the date of the offer, and information pertaining to the management, business, results of operations for the period covered by the foregoing financial statements, and material loss contingencies of the issuer.
Shell company.—
The term “shell company” means a company that at the time of a transaction with an eligible privately held company—
has no or nominal operations; and
no or nominal assets;
assets consisting solely of cash and cash equivalents; or
assets consisting of any amount of cash and cash equivalents and nominal other assets.
Inflation adjustment.—
In general.—
On the date that is 5 years after December 29, 2022, and every 5 years thereafter, each dollar amount in subparagraph (E)(iii)(II) shall be adjusted by—
dividing the annual value of the Employment Cost Index For Wages and Salaries, Private Industry Workers (or any successor index), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the adjustment is being made by the annual value of such index (or successor) for the calendar year ending December 31, 2020; and
multiplying such dollar amount by the quotient obtained under subclause (I).
Each dollar amount determined under clause (i) shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $100,000.
Use of manipulative or deceptive devices; contravention of rules and regulations
No broker or dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security (other than commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, or commercial bills), or any security-based swap agreement by means of any manipulative, deceptive, or other fraudulent device or contrivance.
No broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any municipal security or any security-based swap agreement involving a municipal security by means of any manipulative, deceptive, or other fraudulent device or contrivance.
No government securities broker or government securities dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or to attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any government security or any security-based swap agreement involving a government security by means of any manipulative, deceptive, or other fraudulent device or contrivance.
No broker or dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security (other than an exempted security or commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, or commercial bills) otherwise than on a national securities exchange of which it is a member, in connection with which such broker or dealer engages in any fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative act or practice, or makes any fictitious quotation.
No broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any municipal security in connection with which such broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer engages in any fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative act or practice, or makes any fictitious quotation.
No government securities broker or government securities dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any government security in connection with which such government securities broker or government securities dealer engages in any fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative act or practice, or makes any fictitious quotation.
The Commission shall, for the purposes of this paragraph, by rules and regulations define, and prescribe means reasonably designed to prevent, such acts and practices as are fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative and such quotations as are fictitious.
The Commission shall, prior to adopting any rule or regulation under subparagraph (C), consult with and consider the views of the Secretary of the Treasury and each appropriate regulatory agency. If the Secretary of the Treasury or any appropriate regulatory agency comments in writing on a proposed rule or regulation of the Commission under such subparagraph (C) that has been published for comment, the Commission shall respond in writing to such written comment before adopting the proposed rule. If the Secretary of the Treasury determines, and notifies the Commission, that such rule or regulation, if implemented, would, or as applied does (i) adversely affect the liquidity or efficiency of the market for government securities; or (ii) impose any burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of this section, the Commission shall, prior to adopting the proposed rule or regulation, find that such rule or regulation is necessary and appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of this section notwithstanding the Secretary’s determination.
No broker or dealer (other than a government securities broker or government securities dealer, except a registered broker or dealer) shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security (other than an exempted security (except a government security) or commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, or commercial bills) in contravention of such rules and regulations as the Commission shall prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors to provide safeguards with respect to the financial responsibility and related practices of brokers and dealers including, but not limited to, the acceptance of custody and use of customers’ securities and the carrying and use of customers’ deposits or credit balances. Such rules and regulations shall (A) require the maintenance of reserves with respect to customers’ deposits or credit balances, and (B) no later than September 1, 1975, establish minimum financial responsibility requirements for all brokers and dealers.
Consistent with this chapter, the Commission, in consultation with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, shall issue such rules, regulations, or orders as are necessary to avoid duplicative or conflicting regulations applicable to any broker or dealer registered with the Commission pursuant to subsection (b) (except paragraph (11) thereof), that is also registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission pursuant to section 4f(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. 6f(a)] (except paragraph (2) thereof), with respect to the application of: (i) the provisions of section 78h of this title, subsection (c)(3), and section 78q of this title and the rules and regulations thereunder related to the treatment of customer funds, securities, or property, maintenance of books and records, financial reporting, or other financial responsibility rules, involving security futures products; and (ii) similar provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.] and rules and regulations thereunder involving security futures products.
Notwithstanding any provision of sections 2(a)(1)(C)(i) or 4d(a)(2) of the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. 2(a)(1)(C)(i), 6d(a)(2)] and the rules and regulations thereunder, and pursuant to an exemption granted by the Commission under section 78mm of this title or pursuant to a rule or regulation, cash and securities may be held by a broker or dealer registered pursuant to subsection (b)(1) and also registered as a futures commission merchant pursuant to section 4f(a)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. 6f(a)(1)], in a portfolio margining account carried as a futures account subject to section 4d of the Commodity Exchange Act [7 U.S.C. 6d] and the rules and regulations thereunder, pursuant to a portfolio margining program approved by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and subject to subchapter IV of chapter 7 of title 11 and the rules and regulations thereunder. The Commission shall consult with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to adopt rules to ensure that such transactions and accounts are subject to comparable requirements to the extent practicable for similar products.
If the Commission finds, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, that any person subject to the provisions of section 78l, 78m, 78n of this title or subsection (d) or any rule or regulation thereunder has failed to comply with any such provision, rule, or regulation in any material respect, the Commission may publish its findings and issue an order requiring such person, and any person who was a cause of the failure to comply due to an act or omission the person knew or should have known would contribute to the failure to comply, to comply, or to take steps to effect compliance, with such provision or such rule or regulation thereunder upon such terms and conditions and within such time as the Commission may specify in such order.
No dealer (other than a specialist registered on a national securities exchange) acting in the capacity of market maker or otherwise shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security (other than an exempted security or a municipal security) in contravention of such specified and appropriate standards with respect to dealing as the Commission, by rule, shall prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest and for the protection of investors, to maintain fair and orderly markets, or to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of a national market system. Under the rules of the Commission a dealer in a security may be prohibited from acting as a broker in that security.
No broker or dealer shall make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce to effect any transaction in, or to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of, any security (other than an exempted security, municipal security, commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, or commercial bills) in contravention of such rules and regulations as the Commission shall prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest and for the protection of investors or to perfect or remove impediments to a national system for the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of securities transactions, with respect to the time and method of, and the form and format of documents used in connection with, making settlements of and payments for transactions in securities, making transfers and deliveries of securities, and closing accounts. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed (A) to affect the authority of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, pursuant to section 78g of this title, to prescribe rules and regulations for the purpose of preventing the excessive use of credit for the purchase or carrying of securities, or (B) to authorize the Commission to prescribe rules or regulations for such purpose.
In connection with any bid for or purchase of a government security related to an offering of government securities by or on behalf of an issuer, no government securities broker, government securities dealer, or bidder for or purchaser of securities in such offering shall knowingly or willfully make any false or misleading written statement or omit any fact necessary to make any written statement made not misleading.
Prohibition of referral fees.—
No broker or dealer, or person associated with a broker or dealer, may solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, remuneration for assisting an attorney in obtaining the representation of any person in any private action arising under this chapter or under the Securities Act of 1933 [15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.].
Supplementary and periodic information
In general
Asset-backed securities
Suspension of duty to file
Classification of issuers
Notices to customers regarding securities lending
Compliance with this chapter by members not required to be registered
Prevention of misuse of material, nonpublic information
Requirements for transactions in penny stocks
In general
Risk disclosure with respect to penny stocks
Prior to effecting any transaction in any penny stock, a broker or dealer shall give the customer a risk disclosure document that—
contains a description of the nature and level of risk in the market for penny stocks in both public offerings and secondary trading;
contains a description of the broker’s or dealer’s duties to the customer and of the rights and remedies available to the customer with respect to violations of such duties or other requirements of Federal securities laws;
contains a brief, clear, narrative description of a dealer market, including “bid” and “ask” prices for penny stocks and the significance of the spread between the bid and ask prices;
contains the toll free telephone number for inquiries on disciplinary actions established pursuant to section 78o–3(i) of this title;
defines significant terms used in the disclosure document or in the conduct of trading in penny stocks; and
contains such other information, and is in such form (including language, type size, and format), as the Commission shall require by rule or regulation.
Commission rules relating to disclosure
The Commission shall adopt rules setting forth additional standards for the disclosure by brokers and dealers to customers of information concerning transactions in penny stocks. Such rules—
shall require brokers and dealers to disclose to each customer, prior to effecting any transaction in, and at the time of confirming any transaction with respect to any penny stock, in accordance with such procedures and methods as the Commission may require consistent with the public interest and the protection of investors—
the bid and ask prices for penny stock, or such other information as the Commission may, by rule, require to provide customers with more useful and reliable information relating to the price of such stock;
the number of shares to which such bid and ask prices apply, or other comparable information relating to the depth and liquidity of the market for such stock; and
the amount and a description of any compensation that the broker or dealer and the associated person thereof will receive or has received in connection with such transaction;
shall require brokers and dealers to provide, to each customer whose account with the broker or dealer contains penny stocks, a monthly statement indicating the market value of the penny stocks in that account or indicating that the market value of such stock cannot be determined because of the unavailability of firm quotes; and
may, as the Commission finds necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors, require brokers and dealers to disclose to customers additional information concerning transactions in penny stocks.
It shall be unlawful for any person to violate such rules and regulations as the Commission shall prescribe in the public interest or for the protection of investors or to maintain fair and orderly markets—
as necessary or appropriate to carry out this subsection; or
as reasonably designed to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative acts and practices with respect to penny stocks.
Limitations on State law
Capital, margin, books and records, bonding, and reports
Funding portals
Limitation on State laws
Examination and enforcement authority
De minimis transactions by associated persons
No law, rule, regulation, or order, or other administrative action of any State or political subdivision thereof may prohibit an associated person of a broker or dealer from effecting a transaction described in paragraph (3) 3 for a customer in such State if—
such associated person is not ineligible to register with such State for any reason other than such a transaction;
such associated person is registered with a registered securities association and at least one State; and
the broker or dealer with which such person is associated is registered with such State.
Described transactions
In general
A transaction is described in this paragraph if—
such transaction is effected—
on behalf of a customer that, for 30 days prior to the day of the transaction, maintained an account with the broker or dealer; and
by an associated person of the broker or dealer—
to which the customer was assigned for 14 days prior to the day of the transaction; and
who is registered with a State in which the customer was a resident or was present for at least 30 consecutive days during the 1-year period prior to the day of the transaction; or
the transaction is effected—
on behalf of a customer that, for 30 days prior to the day of the transaction, maintained an account with the broker or dealer; and
during the period beginning on the date on which such associated person files an application for registration with the State in which the transaction is effected and ending on the earlier of—
60 days after the date on which the application is filed; or
the date on which such State notifies the associated person that it has denied the application for registration or has stayed the pendency of the application for cause.
Rules of construction
For purposes of subparagraph (A)(i)(II)—
each of up to 3 associated persons of a broker or dealer who are designated to effect transactions during the absence or unavailability of the principal associated person for a customer may be treated as an associated person to which such customer is assigned; and
if the customer is present in another State for 30 or more consecutive days or has permanently changed his or her residence to another State, a transaction is not described in this paragraph, unless the associated person of the broker or dealer files an application for registration with such State not later than 10 business days after the later of the date of the transaction, or the date of the discovery of the presence of the customer in the other State for 30 or more consecutive days or the change in the customer’s residence.
 So in original. There are two subsecs. designated (j).
Rulemaking to extend requirements to new hybrid products
The Commission shall not—
require a bank to register as a broker or dealer under this section because the bank engages in any transaction in, or buys or sells, a new hybrid product; or
bring an action against a bank for a failure to comply with a requirement described in subparagraph (A),
unless the Commission has imposed such requirement by rule or regulation issued in accordance with this section.
Criteria for rulemaking
The Commission shall not impose a requirement under paragraph (2) of this subsection with respect to any new hybrid product unless the Commission determines that—
the new hybrid product is a security; and
imposing such requirement is necessary and appropriate in the public interest and for the protection of investors.
In making a determination under paragraph (3), the Commission shall consider—
the nature of the new hybrid product; and
the history, purpose, extent, and appropriateness of the regulation of the new hybrid product under the Federal securities laws and under the Federal banking laws.
Objection to Commission regulation
Filing of petition for review
Transmittal of petition and record
Exclusive jurisdiction
Standard of review
The court shall determine to affirm and enforce or set aside a regulation of the Commission under this subsection, based on the determination of the court as to whether—
the subject product is a new hybrid product, as defined in this subsection;
the subject product is a security; and
imposing a requirement to register as a broker or dealer for banks engaging in transactions in such product is appropriate in light of the history, purpose, and extent of regulation under the Federal securities laws and under the Federal banking laws, giving deference neither to the views of the Commission nor the Board.
Judicial stay
Other authority to challenge
For purposes of this subsection:
New hybrid product
The term “new hybrid product” means a product that—
was not subjected to regulation by the Commission as a security prior to the date of the enactment of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act [Nov. 12, 1999];
is not an identified banking product as such term is defined in section 206 of such Act; and
is not an equity swap within the meaning of section 206(a)(6) of such Act.
4 Limitation on Commission authority
 Another subsec. (k) is set out after the first subsec. (l).
Registration or succession to a United States broker or dealer
 Another subsec. (l) is set out after the second subsec. (k).
Termination of a United States broker or dealer
 Another subsec. (k) is set out after the second subsec. (j).
Standard of conduct
In general
Disclosure of range of products offered
 Another subsec. (l) is set out after the first subsec. (k).
Other matters
The Commission shall—
facilitate the provision of simple and clear disclosures to investors regarding the terms of their relationships with brokers, dealers, and investment advisers, including any material conflicts of interest; and
examine and, where appropriate, promulgate rules prohibiting or restricting certain sales practices, conflicts of interest, and compensation schemes for brokers, dealers, and investment advisers that the Commission deems contrary to the public interest and the protection of investors.
Harmonization of enforcement
The enforcement authority of the Commission with respect to violations of the standard of conduct applicable to a broker or dealer providing personalized investment advice about securities to a retail customer shall include—
the enforcement authority of the Commission with respect to such violations provided under this chapter; and
the enforcement authority of the Commission with respect to violations of the standard of conduct applicable to an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80b–1 et seq.], including the authority to impose sanctions for such violations, and
the Commission shall seek to prosecute and sanction violators of the standard of conduct applicable to a broker or dealer providing personalized investment advice about securities to a retail customer under this chapter to 9
 So in original. Probably should be followed by “the”.
same extent as the Commission prosecutes and sanctions violators of the standard of conduct applicable to an investment advisor under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80b–1 et seq.].
Disclosures to retail investors
In general
Form and contents of documents and information
Any documents or information designated under a rule promulgated under paragraph (1) shall—
be in a summary format; and
contain clear and concise information about—
investment objectives, strategies, costs, and risks; and
any compensation or other financial incentive received by a broker, dealer, or other intermediary in connection with the purchase of retail investment products.
Authority to restrict mandatory pre-dispute arbitration
(June 6, 1934, ch. 404, title I, § 15, 48 Stat. 895; May 27, 1936, ch. 462, § 3, 49 Stat. 1377; June 25, 1938, ch. 677, § 2, 52 Stat. 1075; Pub. L. 88–467, § 6, Aug. 20, 1964, 78 Stat. 570; Pub. L. 91–598, § 11(d), formerly § 7(d), Dec. 30, 1970, 84 Stat. 1653, renumbered § 11(d), Pub. L. 95–283, § 9, May 21, 1978, 92 Stat. 260; Pub. L. 94–29, § 11, June 4, 1975, 89 Stat. 121; Pub. L. 95–213, title II, § 204, Dec. 19, 1977, 91 Stat. 1500; Pub. L. 98–38, § 3(a), June 6, 1983, 97 Stat. 206; Pub. L. 98–376, §§ 4, 6(b), Aug. 10, 1984, 98 Stat. 1265; Pub. L. 99–571, title I, § 102(e), (f), Oct. 28, 1986, 100 Stat. 3218; Pub. L. 100–181, title III, § 317, Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 1256; Pub. L. 100–704, § 3(b)(1), Nov. 19, 1988, 102 Stat. 4679; Pub. L. 101–429, title V, §§ 504(a), 505, Oct. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 952, 953; Pub. L. 101–550, title II, § 203(a), (c)(1), Nov. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 2715, 2718; Pub. L. 103–202, title I, §§ 105, 106(b)(2)(B), 109(b)(2), 110, Dec. 17, 1993, 107 Stat. 2348, 2350, 2353; Pub. L. 104–67, title I, § 103(a), Dec. 22, 1995, 109 Stat. 756; Pub. L. 104–290, title I, § 103(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3420; Pub. L. 105–353, title III, § 301(b)(8), Nov. 3, 1998, 112 Stat. 3236; Pub. L. 106–102, title II, § 205, Nov. 12, 1999, 113 Stat. 1391; Pub. L. 106–554, § 1(a)(5) [title II, §§ 203(a)(1), (b), 206(h), title III, § 303(e), (f)], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–421, 2763A–422, 2763A–432, 2763A–454, 2763A–455; Pub. L. 107–204, title VI, § 604(a), (c)(1)(B), July 30, 2002, 116 Stat. 795, 796; Pub. L. 109–291, § 4(b)(1)(A), Sept. 29, 2006, 120 Stat. 1337; Pub. L. 111–203, title I, § 173(c), title VII, §§ 713(a), 762(d)(4), 766(d), title IX, §§ 913(g)(1), (h)(1), 919, 921(a), 925(a)(1), 929L(3), 929X(c), 942(a), 975(g), 985(b)(5)(A), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 1440, 1646, 1761, 1799, 1828, 1829, 1837, 1841, 1850, 1861, 1870, 1896, 1923, 1933; Pub. L. 112–106, title III, § 305(d)(1), title VI, § 601(b), Apr. 5, 2012, 126 Stat. 323, 326; Pub. L. 114–94, div. G, title LXXXV, § 85001(2), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1797; Pub. L. 117–328, div. AA, title V, § 501(a), Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5538.)
cite as: 15 USC 78o