Regulations last checked for updates: Sep 20, 2024

Title 21 - Food and Drugs last revised: Sep 17, 2024
§ 26.66 - Designation and listing procedures.

The following procedures shall apply with regard to the designation of conformity assessment bodies (CAB's) and the inclusion of such bodies in the list of CAB's in subpart B of this part:

(a) The designating authority identified in subpart B of this part shall designate CAB's in accordance with the procedures and criteria set forth in subpart B of this part;

(b) A party proposing to add a CAB to the list of such bodies in subpart B of this part shall forward its proposal of one or more designated CAB's in writing to the other party with a view to a decision by the Joint Committee;

(c) Within 60 days following receipt of the proposal, the other party shall indicate its position regarding either its confirmation or its opposition. Upon confirmation, the inclusion in subpart B of this part of the proposed CAB or CAB's shall take effect; and

(d) In the event that the other party contests on the basis of documented evidence the technical competence or compliance of a proposed CAB, or indicates in writing that it requires an additional 30 days to more fully verify such evidence, such CAB shall not be included on the list of CAB's in subpart B of this part. In this instance, the Joint Committee may decide that the body concerned be verified. After the completion of such verification, the proposal to list the CAB in subpart B may be resubmitted to the other party.

source: 63 FR 60141, Nov. 6, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 21 CFR 26.66