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the establishment of such fish-rescue station there is authorized the ..... fish-rescue and fish-cultural operations in the Mississippi Valley; a ..... superintendent, two field foremen, four fish-culturists at large, one engineer at ..... large, one clerk, two coxswains at large, and two apprentice fish
resources and fish and wildlife management on military reservations and ..... required report on military expenditures for fish and wildlife management.
. Assistant Director for Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs ..... There is established in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service of the ..... and Sport Fish Restoration Programs ..... Director for Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs shall report directly ..... to the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
— Pub. L. 108–199 substituted “2006, except for ‘farm-raised fish’ and ..... ‘wild fish’ which shall be September 30, 2004 ” for “2004”.
persons to promote fish conservation ..... results through strategic actions of Fish Habitat Partnerships that lead to ..... better fish habitat conditions and increased fishing opportunities by ..... investment by Fish Habitat Partnerships ..... fish habitat conservation by
matters related to the consumption of fish and fish products ..... ; (3) “fish” means finfish, mollusks ..... business of catching or growing fish for purposes of sale ..... person in the business of importing fish or fish products into the United ..... markets fish or fish products outside of the United States for sale or other
reef fish fishery ..... vessel to fish for Gulf reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico Exclusive Economic Zone ..... mortality from barotrauma in Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Recreational Fisheries ..... — (A) will release fish at a depth sufficient for the ..... fish to be able to recover from the effects of barotrauma
authority for fish and wildlife ..... require Federal licenses or permits to hunt and fish on Federal land; or ..... or diminishes the responsibility or authority of States with respect to fish
§ 2330b. Fish ..... may operate a fish hatchery for the purpose of restoring a population of ..... fish species located in the region surrounding the fish hatchery that is ..... with managing a fish hatchery for the purpose described in subsection (a ..... , for the fish hatchery
fish from foreign vessels ..... — (1) its catch of fish taken on board on the high ..... seas or fish products processed from that catch of fish; or ..... (2) fish or fish ..... fishing operations or the processing of fish or fish products
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