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U.S Code last checked for updates: Dec 09, 2024
All Titles
Title 42
Chapter 6A
Subchapter XVII
Part B
Subpart i
§ 300x-2. Certain agreements...
§ 300x-4. Additional provisions...
§ 300x-2. Certain agreements...
§ 300x-4. Additional provisions...
U.S. Code
§ 300x–3.
State mental health planning council
In general
A condition under subsection (a) for a Council is that the duties of the Council are—
to review plans provided to the Council pursuant to
section 300x–4(a) of this title
by the State involved and to submit to the State any recommendations of the Council for modifications to the plans;
to serve as an advocate for adults with a serious mental illness, children with a severe emotional disturbance, and other individuals with mental illnesses or emotional problems; and
to monitor, review, and evaluate, not less than once each year, the allocation and adequacy of mental health services within the State.
In general
A condition under subsection (a) for a Council is that the Council be composed of residents of the State, including representatives of—
the principal State agencies with respect to—
mental health, education, vocational rehabilitation, criminal justice, housing, and social services; and
the development of the plan submitted pursuant to title XIX of the Social Security Act [
42 U.S.C. 1396
et seq.];
public and private entities concerned with the need, planning, operation, funding, and use of mental health services and related support services;
adults with serious mental illnesses who are receiving (or have received) mental health services; and
the families of such adults or families of children with emotional disturbance.
Certain requirements
A condition under subsection (a) for a Council is that—
with respect to the membership of the Council, the ratio of parents of children with a serious emotional disturbance to other members of the Council is sufficient to provide adequate representation of such children in the deliberations of the Council; and
not less than 50 percent of the members of the Council are individuals who are not State employees or providers of mental health services.
“Council” defined
July 1, 1944, ch. 373
, title XIX, § 1914, as added
Pub. L. 102–321, title II, § 201(2)
July 10, 1992
106 Stat. 382
cite as:
42 USC 300x-3
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