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), flowers, trees, livestock, poultry, bees, wildlife, fish, or shellfish ..... by a natural person engaged in farming, fishing, or growing crops, flowers
(such as fish ladders and minor diversion channels), or fisheries ..... Cultural Resources and Fish and Wildlife Habitat C9 Wetlands ..... over a 12-month period. C8 Protection of Cultural Resources and Fish ..... protect, restore, or improve fish and wildlife habitat, fish passage facilities
(a) Live fish, fertilized eggs, or gametes of SVC-susceptible species ..... import permit must be submitted for each shipment of live fish, fertilized eggs ..... intending to export live fish, fertilized eggs, or gametes of SVC-susceptible ..... import live fish, fertilized eggs, or gametes of SVC-susceptible species ..... into the United States; (4) The species and number of live fish
is recommended for fish, other aquatic species, or reptiles. In such ..... instances, the product shall be safety tested in fish, other aquatic species, or
. All domesticated and wild mammalian, poultry, and fish species, and wild ..... meat of any animal (including fish and poultry) or other animal material ..... (including fish and poultry) or other animal material, and other refuse of any ..... any animal (including fish and poultry) or other animal material, and other ..... . to make products such as, but not limited to, animal, poultry, or fish
; (D) Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts; except that: (E ..... ; (D) Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts; except that
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