Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 07, 2025

Title 1 - General Provisions last revised: Jan 01, 1900
§ 8.1 - Policy.

(a) Pursuant to chapter 15 of title 44, United States Code, the Director of the Federal Register shall publish periodically a special edition of the Federal Register to present a compact and practical code called the “Code of Federal Regulations”, to contain each Federal regulation of general applicability and legal effect.

(b) The Administrative Committee intends that every practical means be used to keep the Code as current and readily usable as possible, within limitations imposed by dependability and reasonable costs.

[37 FR 23605, Nov. 4, 1972, as amended at 54 FR 9677, Mar. 7, 1989]
§ 8.2 - Orderly development.

To assure orderly development of the Code of Federal Regulations along practical lines, the Director of the Federal Register may establish new titles in the Code and rearrange existing titles and subordinate assignments. However, before taking an action under this section, the Director shall consult with each agency directly affected by the proposed change.

§ 8.3 - Periodic updating.

(a) Criteria. Each book of the Code shall be updated at least once each calendar year. If no change in its contents has occurred during the year, a simple notation to that effect may serve as the supplement for that year. More frequent updating of any unit of the Code may be made whenever the Director of the Federal Register determines that the content of the unit has been substantially superseded or otherwise determines that such action would be consistent with the intent and purpose of the Administrative Committee as stated in § 8.1.

(b) Staggered publication. The Code will be produced over a 12-month period under a staggered publication system to be determined by the Director of the Federal Register.

(c) Cutoff dates. Each updated title of the Code will reflect each amendment to that title published as a codified regulation in the Federal Register on or before the “As of” date. Thus, each title updated as of July 1 each year will reflect all amendatory documents appearing in the daily Federal Register on or before July 1.

[37 FR 23605, Nov. 4, 1972, as amended at 54 FR 9677, Mar. 7, 1989]
§ 8.4 - Indexes.

A subject index to the entire Code shall be annually revised and separately published. An agency-prepared index for any individual book may be published with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register.

§ 8.5 - Ancillaries.

The Code shall provide, among others, the following-described finding aids:

(a) Parallel tables of statutory authorities and rules. In the Code of Federal Regulations Index or at such other place as the Director of the Federal Register considers appropriate, numerical lists of all sections of the current edition of the United States Code (except section 301 of title 5) which are cited by issuing agencies as rulemaking authority for currently effective regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations. The lists shall be arranged in the order of the titles and sections of the United States Code with parallel citations to the pertinent titles and parts of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(b) Parallel tables of Presidential documents and agency rules. In the Code of Federal Regulations Index, or at such other place as the Director of the Federal Register considers appropriate, tables of proclamations, Executive orders, and similar Presidential documents which are cited as rulemaking authority in currently effective regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations.

(c) List of CFR sections affected. Following the text of each Code of Federal Regulations volume, a numerical list of sections which are affected by documents published in the Federal Register. (Separate volumes, “List of Sections Affected, 1949-1963” and “List of CFR Sections Affected, 1964-1972”, list all sections of the Code which have been affected by documents published during the period January 1, 1949, to December 31, 1963, and January 1, 1964, to December 31, 1972, respectively.) 1 Listings shall refer to Federal Register pages and shall be designed to enable the user of the Code to find the precise text that was in effect on a given date in the period covered.

1 A three volume set, “List of CFR Sections Affected, 1973-1985”, lists all sections of the Code which have been affected during the period January 1, 1973 to December 31, 1985.

[37 FR 23605, Nov. 4, 1972, as amended at 54 FR 9677, Mar. 7, 1989]
§ 8.6 - Forms of publication.

(a) Under section 1506 of title 44, United States Code, the Administrative Committee authorizes publication of the Code of Federal Regulations in the following formats:

(1) Paper;

(2) Online on (44 US.C. 4101).

(b) The Director of the Federal Register is authorized to regulate the format of the Code of Federal Regulations according to the needs of users and compatibility with the facilities of the Government Printing Office. The Director may provide for the Code of Federal Regulations to be printed in as many separately bound books as necessary and oversee the organization and means of access to material in the online edition.

[65 FR 8843, Feb. 23, 2000, as amended at 87 FR 80002, Dec. 29, 2022]
§ 8.7 - Agency cooperation.

Each agency shall cooperate in keeping publication of the Code current by complying promptly with deadlines set by the Director of the Federal Register and the Public Printer.

§ 8.9 - Form of citation.

The Code of Federal Regulations may be cited by title and section, and the short form “CFR” may be used for “Code of Federal Regulations.” For example, “1 CFR 10.2” refers to title 1, Code of Federal Regulations, part 10, section 2.

authority: 44 U.S.C. 1506,1510,4101; sec. 6, E.O. 10530, 19 FR 2709, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 189
source: 37 FR 23605, Nov. 4, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 1 CFR 8.1