• Effective Date: Apr 11, 2016
  • Period of Review: Oct 01, 2006 to Mar 31, 2007
  • Cite as: 81 FR 23457 • Cite date: Apr 21, 2016

1. On 03/30/2016, the United States Court of International Trade (CIT) sustained the results of redetermination issued by Commerce pursuant to the CIT's remand involving the final determination under section 129 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act for laminated woven sacks from the PRC (Slip Op. 16-30, court no. 12-00301). As a result, the cash deposit rate for certain producers and/or exporters was amended (81 FR 23457, 04/21/2016).

2. For shipments of laminated woven sacks from the PRC entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after 04/11/2016, CBP shall require a cash deposit equal to the margins for the exporter and exporter/producer combination listed below:

Exporter: PRC-Wide Entity
Case number: A-570-916-000
Amended rate: 91.73%

Exporter: Shandong Youlian Co. Ltd
Producer: Shandong Youlian Co. Ltd
Case number: A-570-916-009
Amended rate: 64.28%

3. For all shipments of laminated woven sacks from the PRC produced from fabric from the following third-countries (see message number 0327303, dated 11/23/2010), entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after 04/11/2016, CBP shall require a cash deposit equal to the margins for the exporter and exporter/producer combination listed below:

Exporter: PRC-Wide Entity
Country/Case numbers:
Hong Kong/A-582-804-000
Pakistan /A-535-901-000
Amended rate: 91.73%

Exporter: Shandong Youlian Co. Ltd
Producer: Shandong Youlian Co. Ltd
Country/Case numbers:
Hong Kong/A-582-804-009
Pakistan /A-535-901-009
Amended rate: 64.28%

4. These cash deposit requirements provided in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall remain in effect until further notice. Do not liquidate any entries of merchandise included in this administrative review until assessment instructions are issued.

5. In Commerce's redetermination, Commerce stated that unless the applicable cash deposit rates have been superseded by cash deposit rates calculated in an intervening administrative review of the antidumping duty order on laminated woven sacks from the PRC, we would instruct CBP to collect cash deposits at the rates revised as part of that redetermination. Accordingly, because the companies listed below were found ineligible for a separate rate in an intervening segment and continue to be included in the PRC-wide entity, CBP shall continue to collect cash deposits for shipments of subject merchandise from these exporter/producer combinations, entered or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption, on or after April 11, 2016, in accordance with the cash deposit instructions for the PRC-wide entity in paragraphs 2 and 3 above.

Exporter: Zibo Aifudi Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd.
Producer: Zibo Aifudi Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd.

Exporter: Polywell Industrial Co., A.K.A. First Way (H.K.) Limited
Producer: Polywell Plastic Product Factory

Exporter: Zibo Linzi Worun Packing Product Co., Ltd.
Producer: Zibo Linzi Worun Packing Product Co., Ltd.

Exporter: Shandong Qikai Plastics Product Co., Ltd.
Producer: Shandong Qikai Plastics Product Co., Ltd.

Exporter: Changle Baodu Plastic Co. Ltd.
Producer: Changle Baodu Plastic Co. Ltd.

Exporter: Zibo Linzi Shuaiqiang Plastics Co. Ltd.
Producer: Zibo Linzi Shuaiqiang Plastics Co. Ltd.

Exporter: Zibo Linzi Qitianli Plastic Fabric Co. Ltd.
Producer: Zibo Linzi Qitianli Plastic Fabric Co. Ltd.

Exporter: Zibo Linzi Luitong Plastic Fabric Co. Ltd.
Producer: Zibo Linzi Luitong Plastic Fabric Co. Ltd.

Exporter: Wenzhou Hotson Plastics Co. Ltd
Producer: Wenzhou Hotson Plastics Co. Ltd

Exporter: Jiangsu Hotson Plastics Co. Ltd.
Producer: Jiangsu Hotson Plastics Co. Ltd.

Exporter: Cangnan Color Make The Bag
Producer: Cangnan Color Make The Bag

Exporter: Zibo Qigao Plastic Cement Co. Ltd
Producer: Zibo Qigao Plastic Cement Co. Ltd

6. If there are any questions by the importing public regarding this message, please contact the Call Center for the Office of AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, at (202) 482-0984. CBP ports should submit their inquiries through authorized CBP channels only. (This message was generated by OV:RM.)

7. There are no restrictions on the release of this information.

Alexander Amdur