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U.S Code last checked for updates: Nov 11, 2024
All Titles
Title 20
Chapter 28
Subchapter VI
Part B
Part A - International and Forei...
§ 1130-1. Centers for internatio...
Part A - International and Forei...
§ 1130-1. Centers for internatio...
U.S. Code
§ 1130.
Findings and purposes
The Congress finds that—
the future economic welfare of the United States will depend substantially on increasing international skills in the business and educational community and creating an awareness among the American public of the internationalization of our economy;
concerted efforts are necessary to engage business schools, language and area study programs, professional international affairs education programs, public and private sector organizations, and United States business in a mutually productive relationship which benefits the Nation’s future economic interests;
few linkages presently exist between the manpower and information needs of United States business and the international education, language training and research capacities of institutions of higher education in the United States, and public and private organizations; and
organizations such as world trade councils, world trade clubs, chambers of commerce and State departments of commerce are not adequately used to link universities and business for joint venture exploration and program development.
It is the purpose of this part—
to enhance the broad objective of this chapter by increasing and promoting the Nation’s capacity for international understanding and economic enterprise through the provision of suitable international education and training for business personnel in various stages of professional development; and
to promote institutional and noninstitutional educational and training activities that will contribute to the ability of United States business to prosper in an international economy.
Pub. L. 89–329, title VI, § 611
, as added
Pub. L. 96–374, title VI, § 601(a)
Oct. 3, 1980
94 Stat. 1467
; amended
Pub. L. 99–498, title VI, § 610
Oct. 17, 1986
100 Stat. 1519
Pub. L. 102–325, title VI, § 601
July 23, 1992
106 Stat. 728
Pub. L. 105–244, title VI, § 602(a)
Oct. 7, 1998
112 Stat. 1783
cite as:
20 USC 1130
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