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The tariff classification of two battery packs consisting of various Battery Cells from various countries (China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea).

The tariff classification of a nickel-cadmium battery cell from China

The tariff classification of a nickel cadmium battery pack from Japan

The tariff classification of electric hand tools from China.

The tariff classification of a cordless drill and radio charger kit from China

The tariff classification of a rechargeable nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery, a rechargeable nickel cadmium (NICAD) battery, a universal battery charger, a battery powered hand-held drive unit, and surgical instrument attachments (chucks, couplings, and adaptors) from Switzerland

The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of rechargeable batteries and battery packs from Mexico; Article 509

The tariff classification of a cordless drill and radio charger kit from China

Nickel-Cadmium Storage Batteries; Rolls of Nickel-Plated, Perforated Steel Sheet For Use in Batteries; Heading 7210; Impregnation and Alkali Treatments; Battery Parts; 8507.90.80; HQs 955346, 955947, 952938, 084610, and 081606; NAFTA; Article 509; General Notes 12(b)(i) and (ii)(A), and 12(t)/85.13(A); Change in Tariff Classification

Protest 2904-95-100282; Battery Packs; Battery Charger, Parts and Accessories for Toys, Chapter 95, Note 3; Sets, Essential Character, GRI 3(b), HQ 954061, HQ 955105; Headings 8504, 9503; Mita Copystar America, Inc. v. U.S.; Bauerhin Technologies Ltd. et al v. U.S.

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