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The country of origin of stainless steel tubes; Applicability of Section 232 Duties

Country of Origin Marking Requirements for Packages of Organic Sprouted Mung Beans Processed in the United States; NAFTA Preference for Mung Beans Sprouted in Mexico

Brass Strip in Coils; Country of Origin for Marking and Duty Purposes

The tariff classification of pepper mills with ceramic grinders from China and Taiwan containing peppercorns and salt from other countries

Request for Internal Advice; applicability of subheading 9802.00.60, HTSUS, to imported ferro-titanium powder; cored wire.

Applicability of the partial duty exemption under subheading 9802.00.50, HTSUS, to cheese sent to Canada for cutting or shredding; 554654; 555462; 555174; 554736; T.D. 70-49(1); 557633

Request for Internal Advice; eligibility for duty-free treatment of cast iron articles under the GSP; substantial transformation; 071341; 071788; Burgess Battery; 553126; 554013

The tariff classification of dried vegetables from Israel

The tariff classification of dried cut Lemon Verbena leaves#58, dried cut Strawberry leaves #63 and dried and chopped WildApples #62 that are all used as an ingredient in herbal teas fromGermany

Request for Further Review of Protest 3304-91-100008, dated April 15, 1991, Concerning Whole Dried Peas

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