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United States country of origin means in the case of: (a ..... )-(b) [Reserved] (c) Farm-raised Fish and Shellfish: From fish or ..... ) Wild-fish and Shellfish: From fish or shellfish harvested in the waters of
In providing notice of the country of origin as required by the Act ..... consumer package must contain country of origin and method of production ..... Method of Production (Wild and/or Farm-Raised). Fish and shellfish ..... ) Labeling Covered Commodities of United States Origin. A covered ..... meets the definition of United States Country of Origin as defined in
(a) Country of origin declarations and method of production (wild and ..... country of origin and method of production information. The country of origin ..... 60.200(h) of this regulation, the declaration of the country(ies) of origin ..... requirements. Country of origin declarations may be in the form of a check box ..... products that contain both wild and farm-raised fish or shellfish
origin statement on the label of any fish “covered commodity” as defined in 7 ..... materials, apply to fish and fish products. (b) A country of ..... . (c) The safe handling instructions required on labels of fish and fish ..... passed fish. Some food products may contain bacteria that could cause illness ..... . (2) In the labeling statements, “Keep raw fish separate from other foods
relevant records used in the preparation of electronic fish ticket reports or ..... ) Electronic fish ticket. The first receiver, as defined at § 660.11, subpart ..... C, of fish, if that fish includes any amount of sablefish, from an open ..... described in this paragraph. Per requirements at § 660.312(a), all fish, if ..... that fish includes any amount of sablefish, must be reported via electronic
fish inspection systems for the importation of fish and fish products into ..... conditions under which fish are raised and transported to a processing ..... categories of fish and fish products are listed at ..... certificates of the country of origin as required by § 557.4. Products from such
fish, wildlife, or plants, except any species, which at the time of sale or ..... ) Any fish, wildlife, or plant that is prohibited for export by the country ..... of origin of the species. (b) If the Service chooses to dispose of ..... fish, wildlife, or plants by sale, we must do so under current Federal ..... the Service may sell any fish, wildlife, or plants immediately to the
relevant records used in the preparation of electronic fish ticket reports ..... ) Electronic fish ticket. The first receiver, as defined at § 660.11, subpart C ..... , of fish, if that fish includes any amount of sablefish, from a limited ..... fish, if that fish includes any amount of sablefish, must be reported via ..... electronic fish ticket. When used in this paragraph, submit means to
address of the broker, the origin of the live fish, fertilized eggs, or gametes ..... (a) For all live fish, fertilized eggs, and gametes offered for ..... person to whom the fish will be delivered, and the location of the place to ..... other document for live fish, fertilized eggs, and gametes required under
certification shall be signed in the country of origin by a qualified fish ..... required by Title 50, CFR 16.13, do hereby certify that the fish lot(s) of origin ..... chapter, live or dead fish, mollusks, and crustaceans, or parts thereof, or ..... fish, mollusks, crustacean, or any progency or eggs thereof may be released ..... : (i) Live fish or viable eggs of walking catfish, family Clariidae
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